Way back when I pretended I was cool, living in NYC, I got really into to pigment pens. I used to buy them at Columbia, an art supply store on W.33rd, right across from the Empire State Building near where I worked. I remember it well and had fun Google Street Viewing just before writing this to see if it’s still there. I used them to draw on my lengthy subway commute in a series of hardcover sketchbooks, making silly drawings and comics. When I moved back to California, I didn’t pick them back up until years later and when I did, I didn’t really try to push it much farther then cartoony characters. I’m now messing with them again and I’m liking the results. I’ve been told on multiple occasions that I should do a coloring book, so that something I’m considering. Here’s a piece called Melt Disneyworld. Pigment Pen on mixed media paper 6″ x 8″
Melt Disneyworld – Ink is cool
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