
  • Drawlloween 2020

    Drawlloween 2020

    While I’ve done multiple challenges in the past, this year I decided to only participate in Drawlloween 2020 and just go hard! One drawing a day for 31 days based on the daily prompts on by Brian Soria. They were all super fun and challenging. I also recorded the creation of all Drawlloween…

  • Half-Orc Fighter

    Half-Orc Fighter

    This piece features a Half-Orc Fighter just after pummeling some unlucky villain with his hammers. I miss playing Dungeons and Dragons with friends and would love to start playing again. I would certainly roll a Half-Orc Fighter! I’ve also included here a little process animation to show by steps in how I created this…

  • CLON and CGP

    CLON and CGP

    So I’m a fan of this really bonkers public access show in New York called Chris Gethard Presents. It’s the successor of The Chris Gethard Show, which I enjoyed on Fusion and then TruTV. I’ve done a few pieces as a fan and a few pieces were used on the show and I made…

  • Everquest 20th Anniversary

    Everquest 20th Anniversary

    In 1999 an incredible game was released to the world. That game was the Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game, Everquest. I played a lot of this game, too much in fact. At one point I had risked my job at mall kiosk, selling Earthlink subscriptions, by playing this game while on the clock on…

  • Pokemans? Pokemons.

    Pokemans? Pokemons.

    So the Character Design Challenge a couple of months ago was for Pokemon. I didn’t end up submitting any, but I had drawn some up as I had never tried drawing one before. Here they are. Allakazam is my favorite Pokemon.

  • Tig and Clay 2.0

    Tig and Clay 2.0

    So Ron Perlman posted my old caricature again of him and Kim Coates as their Sons of Anarchy characters, Tig and Clay Morrow. He’s posted it a few times and while I really like the piece, it’s admittedly a sloppy and quick job. I felt that I should update it, giving a piece that’s…

  • The Vraugtinoct

    The Vraugtinoct

    Here’s a strange inter-dimensional horror I drew. I wanted to have very familiar features that were also very alien on a creature that was a brightly colored as it was terrifying. From the rift came The Vraugtinoct to our home, the Earth. The only thing as boundless as it’s power, is it’s insatiable and…

  • Old Man of the Woods

    Old Man of the Woods

    Here’s a commission I recently completed for some friends!  The “Old Man of the Woods”.  They knew I loved drawing monsters and they wanted something to do with trees and the forest.  Since they were planing on hanging it in their home, I dialed back my usual gruesomeness and made this wise old resident…

  • Free Coloring Book Page!

    Free Coloring Book Page!

    To celebrate 100 followers on Caffeine, I’m offering a free coloring book page! This is Melt Disneyworld. Download it, color it, maybe let me see what you’ve done? Show me on twitter or instagram, so follow me!

  • New Store!

    New Store!

    Hey everyone! Check out my new store on RageOn!  It’s got a couple of pieces available on apparel and other items and I’ll be adding more and more in the future.  You can check it out here: